Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Dear Nenek

This was the first time Haikal & Keisha visited rumah nenek at Miri. In fact, this also was the first time nenek met Keisha.
Firdaus sekeluarga and Fairuz pun turun Miri. Mcm mini reunion plak. Tp abah & faezul jer x der. InsyaAllah, Raya 2010, we will celebrate it at Miri.

Fauziah & Azlan

Congratulatulations to Fauziah & Azlan. Such a happenning wedding reception. Sampai jugak kami sefamily to Brunei although my daughter was suffering with throat ulser which caused her to be very extraordinary moody. You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes,
and her eyes everywhere in the world.- David Levesque -